Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The JAPANESE ARE THE PIRATES AND DELIBERATELY RAMMED THE ANDY GIL. The master and crew of the Japanese pirate ship are culpable of attempted murder on the high seas and need to be so charged and broght to justice under United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea.

They not only deliberately rammed the Andy Gil but as well ignored the requirements under Maritime Law to go to the assistance of a vessel in distress, following the Andy Gil sending out the May Day signal.

It is about time that the Australian, NZ and US governments took legal action as well as the Sea Sheppard Society against the Master and crew of the Japanese vessel, let alone the Cretacious Research society and Japanese government not only in respect of this serious incident but as well for the illegal whaling in International protected waters of the Antarctic to which the Australian etc governments are signatories too.

I look forward to seeing this happening. I also hope all the Japanese vessels are rammed and sent to Davey Jones locker for this is what they deserve !!!!!

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